Adams-Arapahoe County ARES ALERT STATUS: Normal (Alert 0) Monthly Meeting -- Next membership meeting planned for Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 19:00 hours.-- DETAILS IN EMAIL AND ONLINE --

After 9/11, I wanted to be able to help if  we were attacked again.  In 2005, I connected with Tim Armagost, WBØTUB, SK, the brother of a vendor I use in my property management business.  I have always had an interest in ham radio and pursed it through Tim and ACARES.  I firmly believe that if  “regular” communication (cell phones, etc.) fail our mutual abilities on radio would be of great value.  Since 2005, I have participated in many radio events: Arapahoe County Fair (yearly),  Cherry Creek Schools Fitness day (I coordinated it twice), MS 150 Bike Tour (several times) and a variety of other radio events for the last 14 years.  Two years ago Mark Boddy appointed me as Planning Chief. Last year I took on Training as well.  I greatly enjoy the group and love working radio.  I only work half days (I own my business), which gives me the time to work on ACARES.  I would like to contribute more to the group then the two previous positions provided.

For the future, I would like to see more consistent training doing as much hands on as possible.  In order to provide service to the various groups we support, we must be:  available, well trained and committed to our mission.  We need to seek as much involvement as our members are willing to provide.  A greater emphasis should be placed on showing the public what we can do.  Since there are so many things we could do, I will need some time to figure that one out.

A personal thank you to Mark Boddy, KD5DKQ for his strong recommendation for the appointment.  Additionally a special thank you to Ben Baker, KBØUBZ who has been my ELMER since day one in 2005.  His support in seeking the EC position was a critical part of my decision.

Peter Meer KCØVAQ
Emergency Coordinator
Arapahoe County Amateur Radio Emergency Service

146.670 Live Audio Feed

The 146.6700 Live Feed. The link is here. Contact EC at Adams-Arapahoe County ARES if you find it offline or have any questions or comments.