Here is the list of projects for the Logistics pages of the Adams-Arapahoe County ARES Website!
The Adams-Arapahoe County ARES Site Survey is currently available for completion online or if you wish, by downloading in PDF or Word format. The Master Site Survey Form will be available for viewing online so that members can located up to date information on Sites that have been surveyed and those needing survey information. The Site Survey is an invaluable document to use with the ICS-217a to plan communication strategies for events or actual incidents. Check back often as we continue to implement this exciting feature of the Logistics Page!
- Equipment Inventories and Operating Aides for all Adams-Arapahoe County ARES Operating Locations (EOC, Comm Vans etc)
- Inventory List of Available Portable Repeater for use in Events/Incidents.
- Tickets CAD software for incident and event Dispatching
Another exciting feature the Logistics team has added is the addition of codeplugs (programming files for common VHF/UHF radios used by Adams-Arapahoe County ARES Members). The current codeplugs are available to members at If you, as an Arapahoe County ARES member, have a programming file that contains the Adams-Arapahoe County ARES ICS-217a plus other frequencies, and would like to share it with other members, then please contact the or any Executive Board member for information on including it in our list of radio files.
Chirp is quickly becoming the radio programming software for use by ARES groups because it can program a variety of radios. The website link to the left can provide you a list of current radios that are programmable using the Chirp software. You will also notice that you are able to download "Chirp" for your MAC, Windows PC or if you are a Linux user, for your Linux platform. Download it and give a try and report back to the members your experience using "Chirp"!!
Check in often to see the progress of the new Adams-Arapahoe County ARES Logistics Webpage and please provide your input, thoughts and Ideas!
Click here ( to email the Logistics Team or if you would like to join the Logistics Team!