Adams-Arapahoe County ARES ALERT STATUS: Normal (Alert 0) Monthly Meeting -- Next membership meeting planned for Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 19:00 hours.-- DETAILS IN EMAIL AND ONLINE --

Hello Folks,

November meeting is this Thursday, the 10th. The subject will be on ATV and the presenter will be Matt Holiday from BCARES. I am looking forward to Matts presentation and learning more about ATV!

December meeting will be split topics, on Packet/Winlink and Net Control.

I am putting together 2 lists based on the questions below:

  1.     Let me know if you have a TNC, cable, and radio but need help setting it all up.
  2.     Also let me know if you have no equipment but would like help determining what you need.

I anticipate to address both topics above independent of each other.

11/09 - Tri-County Health. KD0UFO and I will be participating in their yearly MRC Partner session to talk about what ACARES can do for them, learn about their other partner agencies, and also a chance to check out the antennas and any other equipment they have. I will report back on what we learn.

11/15 - City of Aurora Drill 0830 to 1630. I have 1 1/2 people for Aurora Dispatch and 1 for the EOC we could probably use 1 additional person at each site if you are available.

11/20 - ACSO Dispatch we will be testing the Winlink/Packet setup for those who would like to participate. Space i limited to let WA9TCD know ASAP if you'd like to participate.

73 de KD5DKQ

146.670 Live Audio Feed

The 146.6700 Live Feed. The link is here. Contact EC at Adams-Arapahoe County ARES if you find it offline or have any questions or comments.