Adams-Arapahoe County ARES ALERT STATUS: Normal (Alert 0) Monthly Meeting -- Next membership meeting planned for Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 19:00 hours.-- DETAILS IN EMAIL AND ONLINE --

Denver Radio League

The Denver Radio League (DRL) is a nonprofit, amateur radio group that operates and maintain 3 repeaters serving the Denver Metro area.


They are a ham radio group that prides itself in finding new ways to advance the art and science of amateur radio in the Colorado Front Range. We have technically skilled people in the business with several hundred years of combined knowledge on almost any topic you might encounter. Their website is

The link on this page is to the official Adams-Arapahoe County Emergency Response and Operations Manual. This manual governs how Adams-Arapahoe County ARES operates and provides all members with what is expected from them.

Adams-Arapahoe County Emergency Response and Operations Manual

Appendix A - Winlink Operations



Colorado AuxComm

 With the passage of HB16-1040, Auxiliary Emergency Communications Unit of the Office of Emergency Management within the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety for the State of Colorado (Colorado AuxComm) has become a reality.

Training is posted on COTRAIN ( and is held at various sites around Colorado.


New AUXCOMM Position Task Book Release


John E. Peterson, N4KEA, Telecommunications Specialist with the Emergency Communications Division (ECD) of the US Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), announced in the DHS AUXCOMM forum at the Dayton Hamvention this year that the new AUXCOMM Position Task Book had been approved by DHS for use by the states in training Auxiliary Communicators. The former Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) is now ECD within CISA.


The new Position Task Book (PTB) documents the performance criteria a trainee should meet to be certified for the position of Auxiliary Communicator within a given state. The performance criteria are associated with core National Qualification System (NQS) competencies, behaviors, and tasks.


Evaluators observe and review a trainee's completion of PTB tasks, initialing and dating each successfully completed task in the PTB. Evaluators complete an Evaluation Record Form documenting the trainee's performance. A final evaluator verifies that a trainee has completed the PTB and his/her verification is sent to a review board with ideally at least one member who is an experienced Auxiliary Communicator with Public Safety experience. After board review, a Documentation of Agency Certification is issued as appropriate.


An example of one of the tasks is:

Monitor operational performance of AUXCOMM communications systems throughout the duration of the incident.

  •  Monitor operational status of all AUXCOMM equipment in use.
  •  Establish an operational test schedule and perform tests of communications equipment throughout the duration of an incident.
  •  Establish a plan for battery replacement.
  •  Establish contingency plans to minimize interruptions in AUXCOMM communications infrastructure and systems.


The PTB can be found on the SAFECOM website at:



Mestaa'ėhehe Mountain

146.670 CRRG repeater on Mestaa'ėhehe Mountain

               N39° 40 46.7'
               W105° 29 36.3'
               Elevation 11,440 ft.
For more information and photos of the site please visit the Castle Rock Repeater Group's website at

Adams-Arapahoe County ARES  Weekly Nets

Weekly Nets are held each Sunday morning at 09:30:

  • 146.6700 (-) (100.0 PL) - Primary VHF (CRRG)
  • 146.9850 (-) (100.0 PL) - Backup VHF (El Jebel RADOPS)
  • 448.2250 (-) (141.3 PL) - Primary UHF (RMHam)
  • 447.5000 (-) (88.5) PL) - Secondary UHF (RMHam)

The Net Script can be found here: ARES Net Script. The DMR Net Script can be found here: DMR Net Script

Being a net control is an important part of being an active member. Sunday morning nets are a good way to practice your skills. You can volunteer to be a Net Control by contacting JJ Gee, WØJJG, Operations Section Chief.

State ARES Nets

State ARES nets can be found on the Colorado State ARES web site at

Alert Messages and their definitions

Adams-Arapahoe County ARES  has been using the following alerts via SMS/Text Message and/or eMail:

  • Alert 1 – Pre-activation Alert – Prepare for possible Stand-By mode to occur within 24 hours or less.
  • Alert 2 – ARES Stand-By Alert – Adams-Arapahoe County ARES has been requested to be prepared for possible activation by the served agency(ies), within 12 hours.
  • Alert 3 – ARES Activation Alert – Adams-Arapahoe County ARES members are requested to respond based on the request or guidance of the served agency, within 1 hour.
  • Alert 4 – Change in Activation – A change in directions or directives by the served agency redirecting Adams-Arapahoe County ARES members to another assignment(s). Always acknowledge this message with Net Control by radio or phone.
  • Alert 5 – Cancellation Notification – The Stand-By or activation mode for Adams-Arapahoe County ARES  has been cancelled. Always acknowledge this message and check out with Net Control before going off the air.   

Adams-Arapahoe County ARES uses a custom program for alerting members of deployment. This program is tested once per month unless there has been a deployment.

As always please reach out to any of the officers or EC at Arapahoe County ARES if you have any questions.

Net Controls Needed

We are always looking for Net Controls so please volunteer! It’s a great experience and easy to do. We can coach you through it at your place or you are welcome to go to another members home and use their equipment. For more information please email the Operations Officer.